Tuesday, September 18, 2007

1-The phone rings. Who do you want it to be? Ed McMahon -- I dig that answer.

2-When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Depends on how close the corral is.

3-In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? Depends on who I'm with. Sometimes, I'll just sit silently, but other times, I jabber on and on ...

4-Do you take compliments well? Try to.

5-Do you play Sudoku? I have. I like it.

6-If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Probably.

7-Do you like nipple rings? Not so much.

8-Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Clear Creek, which the 5th grade at Munchkin's school does. Dunno if we'll be here in two years for her to do so, but I remember having some fun.

9-What was your favorite game as a kid? ... no idea. I hated playing games because my brothers would beat me if I won, which was highly unlikely since one of my sisters cheated at everything.

10-Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? I did. But realized my beliefs are too important.

11-Do you like to pursue or be pursued? Hubby and I play this game ... ahem.

12-Do any songs make you cry? Hymns, usually. Some song by Rascal Flatts. And our wedding CD.

13-Are you continuing your education? Not right now, although I'm considering asking my college band director for a loaner oboe to see if I can play!

14-Do you know how to shoot a gun? Yup. My first apartment (which was in a seedy spot in town) got broken into. Twice. Within a week. I was broke, don't know what they'd thought they'd find. Went shooting with my neighbor, plugged away the center of the target, and posted it in my front window. I also got two dogs. I never got broken into again. Then, years later, I went shooting with my bro at a shooting range. The owner saw me blow the head off the silhouette and asked me to teach the women's gun handling course. The irony? I've probably only gone shooting 5 or 6 times in my life.

15-If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grab? kid(s), purse, keys, flash drive.

16-Do you think more about the past, present or future? mostly present. still think about having more babies though.

17-Favorite children's book? Don't have one at this moment.

18-What color are your eyes? blue.

19-How tall are you? 5-5

20-Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? ... not to my recollection.

21-Where was the furthest place you traveled today? the post office? Noooo ... we went to Springville for the Stouffer's outlet store.

22-Do you like mustard? Yep. Like dijon.

23-Do you look like your mom or dad? Yes.

24-How long does it take you in the shower? 15-20 minutes, unless I'm not alone.

25-Can you do splits? Could as a teenager.

26-What movie do you want to see right now? Bourne. Balls of Fury. Star Dust. Rush Hour 3. HP5. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (broke = movie deprived).

27-What did you do for New Year's? Oh my heck, I can't believe I did this ... New Year's Eve I was with hubby, but New Year's Day we went to his friends' house and played the WoW board game (and that was back when I really hated the game and resented every minute he played it!). I wasn't impressed with the board game, don't recommend it.

28-Do you think The Grudge was scary? Didn't see it

29-Do you own a camera phone? Yep.

30-Was your mom a cheerleader? No

31-What's the last letter of your middle name? E or H or S, depending on which name we're talking

32-How many hours of sleep do you get a night? 6-8, but I nap frequently

33-Do you like care bears? I have one ...

34-What do you buy at the movies? Sometimes popcorn and a drink, sometimes candy, sometimes nothing, except usually something for the kids.

35-Do you know how to play poker? Used to. Haven't for a long time.

36-Do you wear your seatbelt? Yep.

37-What do you wear to sleep? Underwear. Usually.

38-Is your tongue pierced? No.

39-Do you like Liver and Onion? No.

40-Are you in love? Yep, I have a fabu hubby and things are going really well right now ... love him more all the time.

41-Do you like funny or serious people better? Depends. Are they really funny, do they think they're funny, are they only funny because they are cruel? I like having fun with people, and sometimes serious people are way more fun because they are not MEAN.

42-Ever been to L.A.? Yep. Saw Phantom there.

43-Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? I don't download.

44-What do you and your parents fight about the most? We don't. They give me money, I eat their peaches, we're all happy. (just kidding. We really don't fight, but that's because my dad doesn't see much of me -- if we spend much time together, he doesn't treat me very well, so I don't try and spend a whole lot of time with him. Mom is one of my bestest friends though).

45-Are you a gullible person? Maybe.

46-Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? Well ... I didn't have a SO for a long time, and I was happy before, so I bet *if* something happened to hubby (heaven forbid), I'd figure out a way to be happy single again, because I doubt I'd ever want to remarry.

47-If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be? President of the United States. HA! Um, something that pays a lot of money and I don't piss people off and I can still be honest and LDS. lol.

48-Are you easy to get along with? Depends on who you ask.

49-What is your favorite time of day? Depends, but either when I'm alone with hubby or when we're kicking back with Munchkin, and I'm *not* stressed about work, OR if I'm having alone time and able to sleep or have a bubble bath or something.

50-Would you rather sleep alone or with someone? With hubby. We sleep better apparently.

51-Would you give up the one you love/care for the most to become immortal? Uh, no.

52-What animal are you most like? a cat

53-What kind of tea do you like the most? Herbal lemon for sore throats.

54-Do you laugh at peoples' stupidity? Sometimes.

55-Do you feel guilty for doing so after you're done laughing? Yep.


evitafjord said...

your new layout freaked me out, I thought I was somewhere else - but I like it! My family room aka master bedroom is that color.

stewbert said...

lol. Colorchrome sent it to me. My bedroom in Oregon was about this color, come to think of it. :)