Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Look how cute!

Took some pictures yesterday, finally remembered to download them to the computer.
I'm happy!!!
Auntie Dizzy made me this cute hat.
I like eating this bear ...
Auntie Dawn sent me these church clothes. Some of the ladies at church are so jealous because they are cute, and made even cuter by me.
Crazy hair day at school. She ended up looking a little like Napolean Dynamite ...


Katz said...

Hello, baby! He's just too adorable.

Her hair looks like mine on a regular basis. Poor kiddo.

evitafjord said...

He's so sweet. I love that outfit. I got it for my shower and tried it on him almost every Sunday until it fit.

Cupcake said...

He is so cute!

Kiddo looks like she is barely awake. . .did she have fun?

stewbert said...

Thanks!! We think he's pretty cute and sweet and fun, too. And the outfit is just awesome.

Cupcake, she did have fun. She woke up and did her hair and I said, "Make a Napoleon Dynamite face, 'cuz that's who you look like." So she did.

Melanie Nielsen said...

Love the blue hat on him! And the hair on her is great!