So on 12/03, I passed out for two hours in the afternoon snuggled up with DH. Didn't think much of it until the next morning, when I got up at 6, worked for a bit, went out to help kiddo get ready for school, laid down on the couch, and the next thing I knew it was an hour later and she was late to school. I decided I had to take a test because that's just not normal! lol. We also had some drama with dh's job that same day/week -- which made me go, "I bet I'm pregnant." So I took a test as soon as I dropped her off.
There was a very faint line. I was only 12DPO, so I wasn't expecting it to be flaming positive, but still didn't believe the tiny line. I bought a digital test, which DH hid from me to take 15DPO, but I couldn't wait. I bought 4 more $tree tests and took one 14DPO, which had a darker line, but it was still light. The digital test said Pregnant! though, so I was thrilled. I made an appointment with my CNM for January 4th! I still took another test 16DPO just to see, and it was slightly darker. The one 20DPO was VERY dark, and at that point a friend of mine mentioned she was late. I gave her the last test so I wouldn't have to take it, too. She's pregnant as well and due the day before me!
We decided not to tell anyone just yet. DH told his family a week ago, but I wanted to tell my folks in person today, then announce it to the rest of my sibs. My sis went to lunch with me two weeks ago and noticed I didn't eat much, and then last week, well, because I'm me and have these genes, the baby is already making my tummy poke out, so I told her so she wouldn't just wonder. lol. Sorry you're all having to wait. I also ended up tellng mamabear because she has us for Christmas and called to say she was shipping something, so I asked her to ship her maternity clothes, too (thanks!!!).
In retrospect, I had been having weird cravings from about 9DPO -- ate part of a can of French's Fried Onions right out of the darn can. In bed. While DH was at work. He was kind of annoyed when he got home and crawled into crumbs. We also had some cherry pie filling in the cupboard, which I wanted to eat right from the can, too, but didn't let myself. I made a cherry crumble, and it turned out pretty well.
I am nauseated, tired, boobs/nipples hurt like mad, I'm bloated, constipated, frisky as all get out at random points throughout the day (never when DH is available, so I'm also frustrated!), emotional, surviving on saltines and ginger ale, etc. etc. etc. I'll take every symptom though because it's a good sign for the bean being stuck in there.
So, today (12/18) I was snuggling with DH in bed, and he said, "this is something I'm going to miss." I said, "What?" "When you get too big to snuggle me like this." Which made me laugh -- when we were dating, he loved to cuddle and kiss and all that stuff, but after we got married, the amount of time we spent doing that stuff started making him feel claustrophobic (since he's not a snuggly person by nature), and he started asking me to NOT snuggle him in bed so much. It was a little weird/hard for me, but I guess after a little over a year of marriage, he's enjoying the time we've been spending, just snuggling, which has increased again to where it was when we first got married. I reminded him and he got a tad embarrassed and said, "things change." And we just kept holding each other and snuggling. It was nice.
My folks came here on their way down to Springville, and I gave them their present: Hand made paper ornaments ... and one of them had the last pregnancy test attached to it. lol. Mom flipped it over to look at the back, and I said, "no, you need to look at the white stick again." She did and said, "IT'S PINK! Does that mean it's a girl?" hehehehe. She and dad both laughed and were quite reassured when I told them Munchkin had me wipe it off with antibacterial wipes before we gave it to them.
Merry Christmas! Baby is due 8/15, which is 12 days after Munchkin's birthday and one week before her own due date. So she's excited to get a baby for her birthday. hehehe.
woo hoo! tee hee.
Cute posting, so frenetic and the imagery was good too, one of a hectic household and happiness.
i'm so happy for you guys!
thanks katz!!!
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