In 2006 did you?...
*lose any friends? No
*make any new friends? Yeppers
*make any new enemies? Not that I'm aware of, but they're probably out there, just biding their time
*develop any new hobbies? Does kissing my husband count?
*get older? No, I quit having birthdays the year before.
*do anything you regret? Well ... not really.
*go to any parties? Dinner
*accomplish anything? Open-heart surgery, a wedding ...
*make much money? some
*attend a wedding? My own!
*attend a funeral? No
*get any new family members? Two nieces, a step daughter, and the bestest husband
*move away? No
*gain any new perspectives? Sho' nuff
*get into a verbal fight? With my sister this summer. Gah. And an occasional one with hubby -- we're much happier now that the EVIL IUD is out.
*get into a physical fight? No!
*attend any sporting events? No
*get arrested? No
*wreck your car? Um ... not exactly. I did hit one of the huge boulders lining our parking lot with the Exploder
*get a new car? Not new, but used. Needed a second vehicle. Enter the Exploder
*make any big purchases? Wedding rings, the Exploder, and a new digi camera my hubby bought me for Chrsitmas.
*get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business? No
*get fired from a job? only worried about it, didn't happen.
*get offered a job? No
*get a raise at a job? hahahahahahahahaha
*learn anything? Work stuff. Learned stuff about myself and my husband and we're still learning about each other and growing together.
*dump your bf/gf? Nope. I married him.
*get dumped by your bf/gf? See above.
*develop any new health problems? Heart stuff. Major.
*change as a person? Very much so.
*get any new piercings? No.
*get any new tattoos? No.
*attend a concert? No.
*crowd surf? Uh, no.
*travel out of state? Yes -- an emergency trip to California to try and get our step-daughter back. Didn't happen.
*read any books? Frequently
*travel out of the country? No
*spend much money? Um ... yeah ...
*download any music? No
*try out any new looks? Not particularly.
*sign up for a myspace? No, but did sign up for blogspot
*sign up for a facebook? what's that
*eat a food that you had never eaten before? Yep -- My Tongan MIL started cooking for us on occasion. I eat food. Do the math.
*go golfing? Mini
*go bowling? Yes, on one of our first dates ... *blushes* I probably ought to take him bowling and ~not~ try to distract him this time.
*start to resent something or someone that you used to like? No
In 2006, how many....
*different places did you work? One
*times did you go out drinking? Zero
*times did you smoke marijuana? Zero
*times did you have health problems? TNTC (too numerous to count)
*times did you go to the movies? Lots
*concerts did you attend? Zero
*people did you have sex with? ONE.
*people tried to have sex with you? ONE.
*get your ass kicked? If falling in love counts, then sure
*crushes did you have? One.
*times did you attend church? 40 or more ... didn't count ... but had heart surgery and can't go every week still
*bad habits did you pick up? Swearing -- things slip out again.
*"rough nights" did you have? Several
In 2006, what was?
*your favorite day of the year? My wedding day
*your favorite band? No idea
*least favorite day of the year? The day after I got home from the hospital -- dang Lortab triggering migraines ...
*your favorite movie? Y'know, we've seen a fair few ... my least fave was Eragon ... Most fave was probably Over the Hedge or Cars.
*your favorite song of the year? Whatever is on the CD my husband made for our wedding.
*most expensive thing you stole? Yeah, I don't steal.
*the biggest event you attended? My wedding.
*something that didn't change at all this year? ... nothing.
*your favorite holiday? Christmas
Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.
*were you in a hospital this year? 5 days for open-heart surgery (see above).
*were you in an ambulance this year? No and never have been
*did you make any big confessions in 06? Told my husband I lurved him? hehehehe
*embarrassed about anything you did this year? Embarrassed about how much I tease my sweet husband.
*what's the best thing to happen to you this year? Marrying my husband.
*did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying? Yes. And then I did.
*did you vote this year? No because I was sick
*did you bring sexy back this year? Hahahaha ... yes. If a different nighty every night of the honeymoon counts.
*what goals did you set for 2007? Eating better, spending more quality time with family, financial goals to get out of debt, pay cash for our vacation this summer, and make sure do something every week that lets my husband know how much I love him.