Sunday, December 9, 2007

Random Tears

RS/Priesthood were combined today and ran a few minutes over. The lesson was pretty good, but all thoughts of it flew out of my mind within a couple minutes. One of my friends came in at the end and said "your daughter is waiting out in the hall, I told her class was almost over." No biggie, right? Munchkin is the LEAST likely kid to take off or hide, she's so responsible it's scary sometimes. So I go out in the hall after the prayer. No Munchkin. Up and down the hall both directions. No Munchkin. Same friend sees me frantic, starts looking as well. No Munchkin. Primary room? No Munchkin, even though she had gone back in there and told the Primary pres she wanted to wait in there since she didn't want to be alone. The primary pres starts looking with me, I'm starting to Freak out. No Munchkin. Back into the gym (where my class was instead of the RS room). She sees two of Munchkin's friends and asks them if they've seen her. "She's looking for you!" I said, "If she comes back, tell her to stay HERE." The primary pres runs across the gym and grabs Munchkin as she's headed out the other side again. I start bawling my head off. lolol. Geeze. Munchkin has agreed that if I'm not in the RS room, she's to go back to the primary room and STAY THERE. We had this whole talk about how if you're lost, you need to stay in one place so someone can find you. Yeah, she insisted she wasn't lost, that it was ME who was lost. *sigh* So I said, "You stay put. Let the grown up (me) find YOU." AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Katz said...

omg. stuff like that freaks me out. the rule in our primary in vegas was that the parents had to pick the kids up from class.

stewbert said...

Yeah, they used to have that rule, but since she's so responsible and stuff, they usually let her come find me. The primary and RS are just across a hall from each other, so it's usually not a problem. BUT ... this time it was. Maybe the new rule for HER will be to wait for me in primary. aaaaaaaaaaaa

evitafjord said...

Okay, I haven't read yet (x3), but did you know that there is also someone with the blog frUItloops,etc. i do now lolol.

evitafjord said...

I lost Sam this week. He's very popular, as you can imagine being the only baby in our ward(next oldest is 2yo and there is no next youngest or even any prospects for a next youngest). Plus he's FREAKING ADORABLE. Anyway, Josh was being Josh and running in the chapel so I handed Sam off and then I could not remember who I gave him to and could not see him. He was in the foyer with Julie, phew. I panicked because in general, you know, he's safe, but there's this one girl (teenage) who jokes about keeping him and she's joking, probably, I'm pretty sure. Any-way.

stewbert said...

hahaha, I didn't know that. I'm glad you found Sam. :) People who "joke" about keeping other people's kids drive me crazy ... *loony*