Sunday, April 5, 2009

seven pounds


that is all.


Kristina P. said...

I haven't seen it, but I've heard it's really emotional!

evitafjord said...

We are watching it RIGHT NOW. Except the kids are being so freaking loud that I have no idea what it is about and we're 20 minutes in. Ooh, David is sending them away. Yay.

Kimbooly said...

Seven pounds? Sob? So, I'm assuming you gained 7 pounds? Always sad to gain, glad to lose, right? : )

stewbert said...

no ... it's a movie. (see the above comments).

and I've *lost* 7 pounds lately, so yeah. not sobbing about that!

*ehu. said...

Dude, that was such a TRIPPY movie!! NOTHING like I expected!!