Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bedrest is Boring

But we all knew that right? Since my sister dropped off books Sunday night, I've read FIVE. Four were just regular sized novels, but how on earth did I read Twilight in one day? Oh, right, because I've been lying down so much. Woooo. I need hubby to go to the video store something major. I was so tempted to go to the store this morning and get some juice (hubby went to Costco a couple days ago, but the juice I want isn't there). I'm not going to, but wow, the temptation was huge. lol. I'll see if I can get hubby to go later on today. I *do* need to get to the school and pick up something for kiddo from her teacher, but she does know what is going on, so when I call in a minute, I'm going to ask her if she'll meet me outside so I don't have to walk in the building.

Kiddo has been at DisGrace's since Sunday and I miss her lots. They are supposed to come over this morning, either for a visit or for her to stay until Sunday, then go back for a few days. We'll see.

I did pretty good yesterday ... Monday I'd rested most of the day because any time I stood up or sat up, I got contractions. Wooo! I rested a lot yesterday too. I didn't have many contractions yesterday, until last night when I was trying to sleep. lol.

Today is my day "off" work, but I'm still going to try and work some -- we really do need the money. Don't worry. I'm not pushing myself much at all. :)


steph k said...

oh! oh! Have him get Stranger Than Fiction!!!

*ehu. said...

Good! Save the pushing for several more weeks.