Friday, February 15, 2008

Um, Happy Valentine's Day?

I guess I could've said something more about love and romance and hearts and sweet husbands yesterday, but I didn't. I posted a very sarcastic political joke instead, and, well, that wasn't very romantic.

My apologies dear reader.


Kiddo heart-attacked the wall and door to our bedroom. She's so cute -- we had done it together the year before to the wall above the bed, and she thought it was so much fun, she wanted to do it again. So she asked me to wake her up after he went to work Wednesday night so she could do it. She got about 1/4 done and said it was too much work and went back to bed. She got up early the next morning and finished. It was funny.

Hubby came home in a blizzard yesterday, barely getting home before kiddo had to be to tutoring, so he did not stop and get flowers (yes, he is a last-minute shopper, and no, it doesn't bug me. Anymore). I gave him Stardust, which we had rented a while ago and he loved it and wanted to see it again. And, because it is a romantic movie and made him gushy and lovey that day, I figured it might be a good way to get him back in that mood.

It was. It did. I did good.

We gave kiddo a stuffed unicorn, which she's been carting around every second and giving it lots of loves. She gave me a sucker. hehehe. I also made chinese last night (bbq pork, which he lurves), and japanese (not sushi. Yakisoba? Brain fart, can't remember what it's called. Basically, it's stir fry: Beef, noodles, veggies, flavoring). It was yummo.

He did go out yesterday afternoon and bought some lovely flowers for me, and gave me a gushy card. He had on his hawt jeans for the first time in a while (he's lost a bit of weight again), and I told him if he was wearing those to the store, he'd better put on his wedding ring (he doesn't wear it all the time 'cuz he can't wear it to work). He laughed but put it on. Too cute.

No, our lives aren't perfect. We'd had a "fight" the night before. A misunderstanding really, but even 6 months ago, it would have been much worse than it was and I would have cried and he wouldn't have spoken to me for a few days. Can I tell you how much I love him being on his Lamictal? It's a good thing for us. He's more rational and because he's not being a turd, I'm able to stay more calm usually too.

So all in all, we had a good Valentine's Day.

I went to the baby doctor today -- #4 ultrasound. Everything looks good and the baby is growing and kicking like mad. It looked a little squished though ... probably because my bladder was extremely full. lol.

Gotta get back to work. Hugs.

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