Thursday, November 8, 2007

Today's TMI

When I started getting body acne last week, I got a huge one on my boob. it got bigger and grosser and hurt REALLY BAD and infected apparently, since it just drained and was NOT a zit, but an INGROWN HAIR. Gah. Sometimes I hate being Lebanese.

I also started my period. Insane cramps, lotsa pain, Midol not touching it. *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine* *whine*



steph k said...

I had a big splotch on MY boob... it's still there but it's not so red around it anymore...

I don't think that it's an ingrown hair though....

stewbert said...

owie. :( mine's still pretty red, but much less painful. I can actually wear a bra today. y'know. If I wanted to.