Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday Suckfest

Yeah, that's how I feel about editing some of this crap today. I only edit on Saturdays, and I'm usually okay with that, but seriously, I couldn't sleep last night, I'm tired, and the MTs are making stupid mistakes. *some* of them are fine, but we have one person making the same mistake in every freaking report. I've left them notes for the past 3 weekends, I've told my supervisor, and I just now ended up emailing the entire team about it, because it is a HIPAA violation. We obviously don't want the fines. I'm fixing it, but puhlease figure this out!!

I'm impatient apparently. That translates to more than just work, where sometimes I wish I could leave notes saying, "quit now. you are too stoopid to do this job." BUT I NEVER WOULD SAY THAT, and I get all giddy when they send through clean reports. I get happy for them. So yeah. I guess I'll snag a jolly rancher and grind out my frustrations on my teeth instead of telling people to take a hike ...

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